Name: Adrián Vidal Vogt

Age: 24 años

Where are you from? Born in Palma Mallorca but of German upbringing by my mother and Majorcan by my father.

Nickname: None ... Adri!

Any blog or web page?


What kayaks do you use? Do you have a Galaxy Kayak?

I use a Galaxy Cruz and recently I have the Alboran, for the type of fishing that is ideal. stable and more than ready for sport fishing. Very complete.

When did fishing begin and how were the beginnings in this?

Fishing styles from kayak

I started when I was very small, since I was able to take a rod with my hands, my father took me fishing to the rocks where I started with a classic, the corcheo. Then, little by little, I was learning new fishing techniques and trying to learn other modalities such as surf-casting, spinning, jigging, etc.

How long have you been fishing from a kayak?

I started about 4 years ago and I really hope it lasts all that I have left since the experience is unmatched.

Tell us about your most memorable fishing experience:

April 2014, embarked with my partner Rubén García López from BCN; Destination: Delta del Ebro; target, tuna.

After shipping several tuna specimens the night is falling, little by little we go to port when commenting on the day's day we see a new aviary with much desire to eat, the surface madness is total, so to work ... I take my team, I add a CHINESTETA SALT EXTREME and I throw to the infinite so that I cross the whole aviary, there are several tunas that go unnoticed but I continue ... zic-zac, zic-zac when suddenly a tremendous black loin appears directly to the lure to make a bestial attack breaking the surface with a tremendous explosion, I respond with triple strong nailing, taken from the line of about 50 meters on the surface and the CHINESTETA goes flying through the air ... Pity! I re-tighten the line and I follow the collection with the lethal zic-zac and at 10 meters it burst the surface with a second tuna that I could finally nail well, embark it with the help of my partner and immortalize it. Some truly spectacular bites, really amazing surface explosions, I will never forget them. The most important and rewarding thing for me was the score that earned that lure to be a new prototype that we had designed hand to hand my great friend José Chinesta and me. Of course, a 10!

Do you have favorite places to fish?

My favorite fishing spots could be generalized as easily as my whole island (Mallorca). The different fishing tastes that I have within the world with artificial I have objectives of all kinds so I am forced to step on all kinds of terrain, always depending on the species that I am trying to capture. So cliffs, beaches, mouths, rocks, breakwaters, etc. All terrain is good, you just have to eat the coconut with the when and how?

And as for fresh water, I think that Catalonia has some of the most beautiful and rich fishing rivers in the whole country so I like to visit them, especially in high mountains where the specimens tend to be smaller but really rewarding. It is a fishing that from the first trout and barbels that I nailed really left me in love! I also take the opportunity to enjoy my other hobby, photography.

What type of fishing do you prefer?

Spinning I am also a lunatic of jigging and extreme spinning or popping, but because I have not had the opportunity to give cane to these modalities I am left with the spinning. Be small or big, pick up the lure and nail, that's priceless, every pin is a new sensation and enjoyment for me.

Do you have some preferred brands of fishing gear? (rod, reel, decoy, etc.)?

As for the canes, I have always based on cheap canes, but with a hard stamina working intermediate actions such as 20-50 grs maximum. With this action I fish everything from small greens or serviolillas to powerful dentexs, little baskets and everything you want to hit, either from shore or on board. I am currently fishing with the new AKURA series from YUKI; They are very cheap rods but working correctly the fish hold the same as the major technologies that can be found in the market. I think that on many occasions everything is image instead of the real quality ... My coastal spinning rods / kayak are really economical and powerful!

As for the reels I do not eat much coconut, for my type of fishing a shimano spheros 8000, or a saragosa 5000, a Capricorn daiwa or a Caldia too, are intermediate reels for a powerful fishing like the one we usually practice here cliff or just heavy spinning. I work big leaded vinyl of up to 100 grams, jigs of up to 80 and heavy stickbaits since the days of a lot of time bear fruit and I have to handle deception that allows me to fight the currents. When the thing changes to beach or jetty I usually go down to simpler things like a technium 5000 or stradic 4000, for palometones, lubineo, espetones, llampugas, etc. It is more than enough.

My favorite lures are the FISHUS for fishing tuna spinning and also their vinyls for fishing from shore or embarked at shallow depth, a vinyl I think you can get to fish anything. The MARIA for the fishing of raw predators such as dentex, amberjack, grouper, spits, llampugas etc. They have some interesting lures that go from the bottom to the surface with jerk action which catches us all depth increasing the possibilities enough, it has interesting stickbaits and they are usually well finished and reinforced. The BALEARIK BUCKTAILS are also really lethal lures especially for bottom fish and pigeon, They consist of plumbed heads with bucktail hair that are very effective here in the islands. CHINESTETA LURES for surface fishing is a great reference in my box of decoys, when the llampugas arrive they become one of the holders since being made of pure wood they are thrown to infinity and allow a fast collection sinking action which, It drives them crazy!

And as for lines, without a doubt and indisputable, SEAGUAR. They are the best lines in the market worldwide and I reconfirm it. From catching trout of up to 3 kg current to low with 0.18 mm to 40 kg tuna with 0.60 mm, to the limit, they are really resistant to abrasion, knots and friction. And for cases in which I want a softer line, I value YUKI INVISIBLE, normally only with 0.30 and 0.35 mm, diameters whose resistance is more than enough for what I am looking for in sandy terrains where I should not brake the fish excessively and I can Give it some more margin.

What's in your decoy box now? Can you send us a photo?

In my box of decoys there is everything, minnows, poppers, walkers both sunken and surface, vinyl, bucktails, jigs, etc. I always carry everything, I start to get in and it seems that I am going to war.

Which fish do you like the most?

I have my doubts between dentex or amberjack. Both are great fighters who do not perform a battle so easily, although it should be noted that the amberjack is much more powerful, its runs are longer and the moves it makes underwater are really strategic and fatal for the fisherman. In Majorca we have a pretty "dirty" cartography near the coast so it is a point in favor for these, so I think I'm left with the dentex, also complicated but with more possibilities. His thrusts once take the lure, short but powerful runs, headings, fleeing holes, cracks and stones ... also knows what is done, so I brake the limit and sometimes, or pump ... cane falcada to stop and collect as we can. 50 cm line can be more than enough to spoil such a beautiful capture!

And another of the species that really drives me crazy are the llampugas of mid-October, when they are big but they continue to create banks that when they go into action are madness, persecutions and attacks like no other fish. A pity that once grown they look for higher temperatures.

What advice would you give someone new to kayak fishing?

Have a good look at the weather and that does not mean that you ask only in the morning or according to the fishing, also at the time of the return. It is important to know in which direction and force the wind will blow at the time of the return. It is a wonderful sport that doing four little things well we do not have to take any risks and have a really good time. And if you see it weird, better leave it, it will be for days.

If I could fish anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Diego Suárez, Madagascar. It is a destination that has always attracted my attention for its fauna and flora, both marine and terrestrial and since some acquaintances were there fishing and they told me, I am practically convinced. It is a paradise for jigging fishing and also some popping. Its reefs hide all kinds of groupers, groupers, snappers and a thousand other species. In the middle of the water and to the surface we can find gt and different carangids, dog teeth, wahoo, amberjack, candles, marlin, gold, but above all by jigging. I am sure that it has to be an unforgettable expedition, the main objective would be jigging and if we were satisfied afterwards we would also dedicate a few trips to the poppers to see what the surface holds. I have a thousand destinations in my head but I would say that Madagascar takes the lead by far.

Do you have some people that you admire in this sport?

I admire all that person who has supported me since childhood with the fishing roll because I know and I admit that sometimes, with me, it is to go crazy but it is what there is. It's my madness, my passion, my life and those who love me really know what it is for me, it's not just about catching fish and they know it ... it's something much more than that, and that's why I admire them. I admire all the people who have taught me things in this world, all the friends that I have made in the world of fishing, my family, my partner and the baby that we still have in his belly about to leave to see all the nature that we have thought that surrounds you.

What would be your 5 tips for fishing?

1 Enjoy the moment things go wrong or well, whether related to fishing, personal affairs, work, etc. If you have gone fishing, it is because you need it, you know what you want and you are there for something, to enjoy it so do it and for a moment, forget everything. Fishing defines and characterizes us perfectly as we are, and that joy and freedom must not give way, that remains so.

2 Respect the fauna and flora that surrounds you. I'm also talking about the capture and release yes, but not in the radical sense ... loose those that are not the size or that we consider small copies. The release has gone to a very radical side but do not feel identified as a bad person, much less. It just kills what you're going to eat.

 The origins of fishing are fishing to eat and it will always remain that way. I am a fishing lover and I like to eat fish, I am not going to fish for a dentex to release it and then go to the fish shop to buy another ... so Bon profit. Com deim per here!

3 Learn from others. No fisherman is the same, all have lived different experiences and everyone can learn, that's a wonderful thing, they will also learn from you.

4 Do not go only when dealing with dangerous terrain or days with a lot of rain. It is important to have a fishing partner especially those days in which we enter the field with complications, the mobile can help us as long as we have coverage, but a colleague saves us fixed.

5 - V.I.V.E.L.A.P.E.S.C.A.A.T.O.P.E.