Jose Antonio Chinono
Age: 49 years old
Nickname: Chinono
Where are you from: Huetor-Tajar (Granada)
Profession: Commercial
Favorite Fish: Brecas, breams and lately llampugas.
Favorite technique: Fishing at anchor.
Favorite fishing places: Sea, pantanos and rivers.
How much time do you practice kayaking: Almost every weekend I can.
Any blog or social media: facebook
When the fishing started:
Well, the fishing started when I was 16 years old in the Genil River fishing beards. That's where I started in the competition, always federated in my fishing club the Genil of my town, psando in all these years for the competition in cyprinids, salmonids, anchored vessel, and currently in kayak.
Let's talk about your most memorable fishing experience:
The truth is that in so many years that I have been fishing I have had many experiences but I will name three mainly, one was a face of about 4 kilos that I caught at my beginnings very young and I was very excited, another was a trout in rhizome also with about 3 kilos, but the most beautiful thing is that I took it with a spoon and stuck when the spoon was reaching the end of the rod, and the last was this summer in kayak fishing with a surface poper, that was brutal as they were pulling.
Preferred brands:
The truth is that I do not have any brand of fishing items, I only look for the highest quality, whatever the brand.
What's in your tackle box:
In my aja especially there are rigging for anchoring. I can have about 50 rigs mounted with different hooks, low, distance between the gametas, etc. I also have some rapalas, poper, well, a bit of everything.
What advice would you give to someone new in kayak fishing?
May he never lose the illusion. If one day he takes nothing there is always a day that he will never forget.
If you could fish anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
It has always caught my attention fishing salmon in Alaska. It has to be a pass, and above all my biggest hope is to fish the blue Marlin, wherever, but take one!
Do you have some people that you admire in this sport?
In fresh water I have my friend Miguel Fana with whom he has always been my fishing partner, both in cyprimids, salmonids and, finally, in an anchored vessel.
I would also like to highlight the boat anchored to Jesus Rodriguez de Algeciras, he was the one who taught me how to make the rigging and that I have shared several individual fishing moments. I also want to highlight my great friend Jesus Vargas de Cadiz, for me one of the most complete fishermen.
What are your 5 tips for fishing?
1 - Never lose hope, when you least expect it you have that bit that you are waiting for.
2 - Enjoy with this sport, it does not matter if you win or lose,
3 - Caution, never leave without a vest,
4 - always carry at least one mobile, it can save your life, I say it from experience,
5 - Teach everything you know to your friends, it is the best reward you can receive, nobody is more than anyone here we are all fishermen.