Today we will talk about the differences of our double fishing kayaks: Galaxy Kayaks offers two beautiful double models with similar dimensions but different characteristics: The Galaxy Cruz Tandem and the Tandem Fisher Vista. We will explain what are the main differences and the advantages and disadvantages in acquiring each model.


The Galaxy Cruz Tandem 2 + 1

Our most traditional model and champion of sales in Galaxy Kayaks, the Galaxy Cruz Tandem is a complete kayak that serves both for fishing in two as well as to enjoy with the family. Its design is made with flexibility in mind and different usage options. With 4 recessed rods and two extra rowing rods in the Fisher option, the Galaxy Cruz Tandem comes well equipped for fishing. Its versatility allows you to change the position of the low seats that come with the kayak and optimize its use. For example, in case of going out alone to fish, it is possible to center the seat to the central hole and give it a use in mode only. In case you want to leave accompanied, two people could navigate without problem adjusting the seats again at the ends.

This kayak is ideal to enjoy as a family since its 2 + 1 function allows two adults and a child to be carried in the central hole of the kayak. 

The Galaxy Tandem Fisher Vista

Due to the requirement of our customers for a more equipped fishing kayak for two people, in 2017 we developed the Tandem Vista model, specifically for fishing. This kayak, super prepared for fishing, comes with side rails for the two fishermen, a central hatch designed especially for the most demanding fishermen, reed runners and revolving rods as standard. It also comes with the option to choose between high or low chair, according to the preferences of each client. The Galaxy Cruz Tandem does not carry the high chair option. Here you can learn more about the differences between low and high seats.

Therefore, the option between the two models is between having a flexible and adaptable kayak for both fishing and family fun (Galaxy Cruz Tandem) or having a professional kayak adapted to the needs of any fisherman (Tandem Fisher Vista). Its dimensions are practically the same, changing only the elements mentioned above.